Our Story
To create a community-wide culture of awareness and action in the prevention, treatment and recovery of substance use disorders
A substance use disorder free Grand Traverse County (SUD free GTC)
A Community Call to Action
According to the Grand Traverse County Medical Examiner's Office, from 2015 to 2017 there has been a 229% increase in drug related fatalities in Grand Traverse County.
7 drug related fatalities occurred in Grand Traverse County in 2015
12 drug related fatalities occurred in Grand Traverse County in 2016
23 drug-related fatalities occurred in Grand Traverse County in 2017
The Grand Traverse County Drug Free Coalition began meeting in early 2015 after Judge Bob Cooney called community leaders together to address the opioid epidemic. Today the coalition is made up of experts from various sectors of the community including: law enforcement, the medical community, schools, treatment facilities, tribal members, religious groups, youth, parents and families.
In October of 2017, the coalition received a grant from Northern Michigan Regional Entity (NMRE) to fund a full time coordinator, an epidemiologist to provide the coalition with local data, and three Youth Engagement Liaisons to facilitate prevention programs in the county's high schools. The coalition has recently adopted by-laws and established its executive committee. Future plans also include applying for a Drug Free Communities Grant and hosting events to provide education and raise awareness to the community.